Sunday, October 31, 2010

Team Razoback Spam has been registered for Adepticon 2011!

Can you smell what the Wolves are cookin'?

Our Space Wolves team has finally registered for the Adepticon 2011 Warhammer 40k Team Tournament! After a lot of time spent trying to come up with a funny, fluffy and punny name we finally decided to do something more simplistic and direct. Thus, Team Razorback Spam. Despite the dozens of names that had to do with wolves and other plays of words we just thought it would be funny... We are also listed under Team #42.. which happens to be the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.... ;)

Now can you guess how many Space Wolf Razorback we are bringing to Adepticon 2011? As in, all four of us. Combined. How many?

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