
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New 11th Company Podcast: Now with more Skarvald!

Hey there, folks!
I'm pretty excited to announce that The 11th Company Podcast just released there 101th episode, titled Episode 101: Now with 3 digits!
Well, what does that mean? Well, you should totally go and check it out, give it all your ears for its entire duration simply because the 11th Company Podcast is awesome. You don't really need any other reasons.

Tried not to sound like Chekov..
Alright, alright. There another reason to listen to listen to this specific episode, I guess.
It has me in it! Woot! And I did't even sound too ridiculous or stereotypical.. or at least I don't think so. Pat was nice enough to interview me about Wolves for the Wolf God and some of the more recent posts and projects that I've been working on. There is talk about Special Operations: Killzone (more like a tease, really), using and dealing with the Land Raider Achilles, The Space Wolf Achievements and just a lot of general talk about why I started Wolves for the Wolf God and the things I like to blog about.

So, if Podcasts are your thing or if you've never listened to The 11th Company Podcast.. well, give it a try. I promise that you won't be disappointed. And hey, you get a chance to finally hear my voice rather than reading my mumbo-jumbo. I.. I think I'm like the only Eastern European I know that plays this hobby and is part of the blogosphere. Weird. I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong, though.
Anyone out there? Anyone? Balkan power?

P.S: The inteview is around 10 minutes long (starts at 2:18:45 and ends ~2:28:00) and you should totally go check it out if/when you have some spare time


  1. Woot! Good for you. I can't wait to hear it once I get home from work!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to do the interview.


  3. @Student Teacher: Tell me what you think!
    @Pat: I should thank you for taking the time to interview me, sir. If you ever find something interesting on this blog, anything that might make for a worthwhile interview, don't be shy and contact me. :P


You think you have something to say? You Shall Show no Fear of expressing your thoughts. The Inquisition can't.. =][= PURGED =][=