
Battle Reports

Here I'll be posting links to my battle reports, so that those of you interested in what I have to say about the glorious victories of my armies (because let's face it... I'm a winner.. hehe.. he-he... heh) can have an easier time browsing through my long list of sagas..

Adepticon 2010 (Team Tournament - 1000 pts. per player) as Mork Protects
All Ork Speed Freekz armies - Warbikerz, Wazdakka Gutsmek, Nob Bikerz, etc.

Adepticon 2011 (Team Tournament - 1000 pts. per player) as Team Razorback Spam
All Space Wolves - 3 Thunderwolf Armies and 1 Rhino Rush

Game 1 vs. Team Sweden - vs. Imperial Guard/Space Marines
Game 2 vs. A Day Late and a Dollar Short - vs. Tyranids/Salamanders
Game 3 vs. Sons of Scotty -  vs. x2 Orkz (Green Tide + Kan Wall)
Game 4 vs. Penguins of Chaos -  vs. Space Wolves/Blood Angels

Rock-Con 2011 (Gentleman's Grand Tournament - 1850) with my Space Wolves
Game 1 vs. John Pickle - Space Wolves vs. Space Marines (Dreadnought Spam)
Game 2 vs. Jarred Saxman - Space Wolves vs. Imperial Guard

Game 3 vs. Clay McCarty - Space Wolves vs. Dark Eldar (Venom Spam/Hellions)

Game 4 vs. Steve Ingham - Space Wolves vs. Dark Eldar (Hybrid/Beasts)
Game 5 vs. ????????????? - Space Wolves vs. Space Wolves (Hybrid/Razorback Spam)

Adepticon 2012 (Team Tournament - 1000 pts. per player) as Justice League
Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Ultramarines and Imperial Guard
Game 1 vs. Team Handsome - Space Wolves/Imperial Guard vs. x2 Grey Knights (Draigowing)
Game 2 vs. Team Aquila - Space Wolves/Space Marines vs. x2 Grey Knights
Game 3 vs. Da Boyz Wolfpack - Space Wolves/Blood Angels vs. x2 Space Wolves (Rhino Rush)
Game 4 vs. Wardens of the Maelstrom - Space Wolves/Blood Angels vs. x2 Blood Angels (Mantis Warriors and Lamenters)

2,000 point Games
Space Wolves vs. Chaos Space Marines of Slaanesh

Planetstike Games
Space Wolves vs. Blood Angels (Hybrid)
Space Wolves vs. Blood Angels (Descent of Angels)

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